The Creating Peaceful Learning Environments team of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research evaluates school- and community-based violence prevention initiatives and has developed an approach emphasizing the need for gender sensitive implementations. This work has had many funders over the years, but the most significant support has been from Status of Women Canada. Support for a training video and handbook was provided by the Fergusson Foundation, Joan Wright and Associates, the NB Department of Education, the NB Trustees’ Fund, and the Jean Bowles Fund.
• McKay, S.L., Santos-Iglesias, P. Byers, E.S. & Cameron, C..A. (in press, 2021). Development and initial validation of the Dating Violence Evaluation Questionnaire (DVEQ). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
• Jiwani, Y., Berman, H., & Cameron, C.A. (2010). Violence prevention and the Canadian girl child. International Journal of Child Youth and Family Studies, 1(2), 134-156.
• Cameron, C.A., Luft, T., & Byers, E.S. (2008, April). Contested contentions: She declares ‘They don’t have anything to worry about’ and he maintains ‘We need to sacrifice our brains.’ [Paper presentation]. Second Bi-Annual Conference, Child & Youth Care in Action: Connecting Across Contexts, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.
• Cameron, C.A. & Creating Peaceful Learning Environments Team. (2007). “She said….”: Girls’ voices against violence. In S. Normandeau, F. Guay, E. Harper, D. Damant, & M. Rinfret-Raynor (Eds). Preventing violence against girls: Should programs be gender-specific? CRI-VIFF.
• Luft, T., Jenkins M., & Cameron, C.A. (2007, June). Adolescent girls’ negotiating dating relationships [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
• Stirling, M.L., Cameron, C.A., Nason-Clark, N., & Mediema, B. (Eds.). (2004). Understanding abuse: Partnering for change. University of Toronto Press.
• Cameron, C.A. (2004). Schools are not enough: It takes a whole community. In M.L. Stirling, C.A. Cameron, N. Nason-Clark, & B. Mediema, (Eds.). Understanding abuse: Partnering for change (pp. 269-294). University of Toronto Press.
• Cameron, C.A. (2004, April). Worlds apart…. Coming together [Invited workshop on gender sensitive violence prevention intervention]. Annual Convention of Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Canada. Kelowna, BC, Canada.
• Cameron, C.A., Normandeau, S., & McKay, S. (2003, April). Gender sensitive violence prevention intervention [Discussion hour]. Biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL, United States.
• Cameron, C.A (2003, February). Community-based violence prevention with adolescent girls and boys: Worlds apart, coming together [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Impact of Globalization on Women and Children, Bangkok, Thailand.
• Cameron, C.A., & Team (2002). Worlds apart…coming together: Gender segregated and integrated primary prevention implementations for adolescents in Atlantic rural communities. In H. Berman, & Y. Jiwani (Eds.). In the best interests of the girl child: Phase II Report (pp. 143-182). Alliance of Five Research Centres on Violence.
• Cameron, C.A. (1996). Team action toward creating peaceful learning environments. In M. Russell, J. Hightower, & G. Gutman (Eds.). Stopping the violence: Changing families, changing futures (pp. 96-109). Institute on Family Violence

Dating Violence Prevention
With Sandra Byers, I co-coordinated a team charged with the responsibility of evaluating the dating violence prevention initiatives in New Brunswick and then developing a provincial strategy for universal, integrated, sustainable intervention. We developed goals and objectives for dating violence prevention programme evaluation, developed evaluation tools and applied these tools in the evaluation of five targeted implementations. We also conducted focused discussions with adolescents, to learn their priorities in dating violence prevention. We used these data to develop recommendations for a strategic plan for dating violence prevention in New Brunswick.
Our accomplishments included:
• The creation of a research strategy team of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (that included members from the NB Department of Education, Health and Wellness, Social Services, the NB Teacher’s Association, L’Association des enseignantes et enseignants francophone du Nouveau Brunswick, and members from Centre Dating Violence and Peaceful Learning Environments research teams).
• A consultative committee of members of community organizations that delivered dating violence prevention programs in New Brunswick was formed (Making Waves, CAAR, Vague par Vague, Red Cross, FSACC NB, Centre de prevention de la violence familiale de Kent, plus the NB Executive Council Office).
• A master list of goals and objectives for NB dating violence prevention programs and an evaluation framework were developed and approved by the Strategy team and the Consultative Committee to guide the evaluation and provincial strategy process.
• Literature reviews and field surveys were conducted in order to compile evaluation tools for measuring goals and objectives. Appropriate evaluation tools were selected for each goal and objective. Where gaps existed, new items were developed.
This research was funded by Atlantic Status of Women Canada.
• McKay, S.L., Santos-Iglesias, P. Byers, E.S., & Cameron, C..A. (in press, 2021). Development and initial validation of the Dating Violence Evaluation Questionnaire (DVEQ). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.
• Cameron, C.A., Luft, T., & Byers, E.S. (2008, April). Contested contentions: She declares ‘They don’t have anything to worry about’ and he maintains ‘We need to sacrifice our brains’ [Paper presentation]. Second Bi-Annual Conference of University of Victoria, Child & Youth Care in Action: Connecting Across Contexts, Victoria, BC, Canada.
• Cameron, C. A., Byers, E.S., Miller, A., McKay, S.L., St. Pierre, M., Glenn, S., & the Provincial Strategy Team for Dating Violence Prevention. (2007, November). Dating violence prevention in New Brunswick. Muriel McQueen Fergusson Family Violence Research Centre, Fredericton, NB, Canada.
• O’Leary, J., McKay, S.L., Archibald, S., Miller, A., Byers, E.S., & Cameron, C.A. (2006, March). Youth views on dating violence prevention [Poster presentation]. Society for Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting. San Francisco, CA, United States.
• O’Leary, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2004). Youth views on dating violence prevention: Interim report for the provincial strategy team on dating violence prevention. Muriel McQueen Fergusson Center for Family Violence Research, Fredericton, NB, Canada.