We investigate the effects of experience of distanced or mediated communications such as that involved in telephone talk or digital media to extend our theoretical perspective on the recontextualization process that is implicated in literate (especially written) expression. Collaboration with Julia Gillen at the University of Lancaster has been significant in our analysis of the discourse of children and their families over the telephone. We are supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to do this work at UBC.
• Cameron, C.A. & Mascarena, A. (2019). Digital social media in adolescents’ negotiating real virtual romantic relationships. In M. Desjarlais (Ed.), The psychology and dynamics behind social media interactions (pp. 83-106). IGI Global Publishers.
• Cameron, C.A., Luft, T., Dmytro, D., Kubiliene, N., & Chou, W. (2017). Adolescents negotiating romantic relationships in a culturally diverse, urban community. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, 8(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.18357/ijcyfs81201716739

• Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Hunt, A.K., Léger, P-D. (2015). Emerging literacy during a ‘Day in the Life’ in transition to school. Early Child Development and Care, 186(9), 1476-1490. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2015.1105800
• Cameron, C.A. & Gillen, J. (2013). Co-constructing family identities through young children’s telephone-mediated narrative exchanges. First Language, 33(3), 246-267. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723713487611
• Cameron, C.A. & Hutchison, J. (2009). Telephone-mediated communication effects on young children’s oral and written narratives. First Language, 29(4), 343-367. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723709105313
• Gillen, J., Accorti Gamannossi, B, & Cameron, C.A, (2005). ‘Pronto, chi parla? (Hello, who is it?’) Telephone as artefacts and communication media in children’s discourses. In J. Marsh (Ed.), Popular culture, media and digital literacies in early childhood (pp. 242-272.). Routledge Falmer.

• Cameron, C.A., (2005, June). Multiple approaches to making meaning. In C. Milbrath (Chair), Text and talk: Quantitative reinterpretations of qualitative narrative analysis [Symposium]. Annual Meeting of Jean Piaget Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
• Kendrick, K., Khan, S., & Cameron, C.A. (2005, June). The whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Contributions of topical elements in mother-child telephone-mediated discourse [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of Jean Piaget Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
• Gillen, J. and Cameron, C.A. (2005, March). Linguistic ethnography applied to a corpus of mother-children telephone calls [Poster presentation]. British Educational Research Association Literacy and Language Special Interest Group interactive research seminar, University of Sheffield, UK.
• Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2004, June). An ‘intermental developmental zone’ in informal talk: linguistic ethnology applied to a corpus of mother-children telephone calls [Paper presentation]. 34th Annual Meeting of Jean Piaget Society, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• Khan, S., Jackson, L, Hodge, B., Kendrick, K., & Cameron, C.A. (2004, June). Methods for analyzing cognitive intentions and affect in parent/child telephone discourse [Poster presentation]. 34th Annual Meeting of Jean Piaget Society, Toronto, ON, Canada.
• Hodge, B., Cameron, C.A., Jackson, L., Kendrick, K., & Khan, S. (2004, June). Maternal support for young children’s communicativity [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, St John’s, NF, Canada. Canadian Psychology, 45(2a), 115.
• Kendrick, K., Cameron, C.A., Gillen, J., Hodge, B., Khan, S., & Jackson, L. (2004, June). “I’m not done yet!: Children connect by telephone [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of Canadian Psychological Association, St John’s, NF. Canadian Psychology, 45(2a), 116.
• Greaves, C., Jackson, L.J. & Cameron, C.A. (2003, June). Mother-child interactional synchrony on the telephone [Poster presentation]. Annual Meetings of the Canadian Psychological Association, Hamilton, ON, Canada.
• Cameron, C. A., Hutchison, J. K., Jackson L. , & Greaves, C. (2003, April). Story writing after telephone communication experiences: Where is “Frog” now? [Poster presentation]. Biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL, United States.
• Cameron, C.A., & Wang, M. (1999). Frog, where are you? Children’s narrative expression over the telephone. Discourse Processes, 28(3), 217-236. https://doi.org/10.1080/01638539909545082
• Cameron, C.A. (1998). Telephone communication enhances recontextualized language [Abstract]. Canadian Psychology, 39(2a), 126.
• Cameron, C.A. & Lee, K. (1997). The development of children’s telephone communication. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 18(1), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0193-3973(97)90014-9
• Cameron, C.A. & Lee, K. (1997). Bridging the gap between home and school with voice-mail technology. Journal of Educational Research, 90(3), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.1997.10543775