The Lab has delivered many successful presentations across the globe on research that includes, but is not limited to, verbal deception and truth telling in children and youth, examining the ecology of strong children, adolescents and older adults in relation to culture and context, and emergent literacy. For more information on the specific research the Lab conducts, please visit this page here.
Anne Hunt at a UNB alumnae homecoming event presenting a poster, summarizing the three strands of the Lab’s research: the Day in the Life project, cross-cultural studies of moral development, and youth’s perceptions of intimate relationships and teen stress reactivity.
Alessandra Ribeiro presenting the Day in the Life (DITL) of Brazilian and Canadian Children in Transition to School.
Dr. Cameron (left) representing UBC with Julia Gillen (right) of Lancaster University presenting “Lots of beavers, beavers!” Deploying Visual Methods to Study Chronotypes Involved in a Canadian Kindergarten Child’s Engagements with “Symbols of Canada”. The presentation was a part of the 4th International Conference on Visual Methods at the University of (U. K.).
(From left to right) Ara Mascarenas, Kathy Nguyen, Claire Marie Shrestha, and Saman Fouladirad presenting their poster, “Cross-Cultural Differences in Adolescents’ Choices and Judgments of Truth Telling and Verbal Deception Scenarios” (also authored by Alessandra Ribeiro) at UBC’s Language Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (LSURC).
Elizabeth Gerhardt and Sara Kean in Halifax at CPA 2019
Harleen Gill in Halifax at CPA 2019
Neringa Dainaraviciute presenting Youth Identified Impacts of Racism at School at CPA in Calgary, 2022
Harleen Gill presenting Adolescents’ Similar Perspectives Despite Divergent Experiences in Romantic Relationships at CPA in Calgary, 2022
(From left to right) Kaitlyn Wilson, Vivian Wang, and Yingxi Li presenting Academic Honesty in Childhood: The Roles of Executive Functioning and Self-Efficacy in Calgary at CPA, 2022
(From left to right) Evokee Mu, Shaui Shao, Yingxi Lee, Kaitlyn Wilson, and Vivian Wang in Calgary at CPA 2022
Shawn Yee at UBC’s 2022 Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)
Amy Xu (left) and Emily Flaherty (right) presenting The Girl Code: Young Women’s Perspectives on Sisterhood, Shared Experiences and Female Friendships at NCRC Harvard University 2023
(From left to right) Jessica Song, Emily Flaherty, Dr. Cameron, and Andrea Martin presenting Children’s Theory of Mind, Family Background and Academic Rule-Breaking at JPS in Madrid 2023
Morgan Richard presenting “You Can’t Sit with Us”: Conflict and Reconciliation in Young Women’s Close Friendships at SSEA 2023
Child Study Lab Cookbook
Several times each year the Child Study Lab congregates in-person on Bowen Island, which has now been changed to Pennyfarthing Lane as per Dr. Cameron’s new location, for a Potluck Brunch. With every few brunches, a cookbook would be created to collect the
2020 Lab Cookbook
In 2020 the Brunch was hosted online which had certain elements of disappointment but had the distinct advantage of including online games, a pantry raid, and our researchers in NB as well as in BC. The delicious potluck is memorialized in the cookbook below.
Due to the lifting of Covid restrictions, 2022 has been an eventful year with many lab gatherings taking place in-person at Pennyfarthing Lane. Our New Brunswick folks were not forgotten either, as many were able to join in with their dinner or evening snacks through Zoom! To memorialize these wonderful events, our beloved lab member, Andrea, has so kindly compiled a second volume of the Child and Teen Studies Lab Cookbook.