International ecological study of the strong child, children in transition between home and school, resilient youth, and older adults in cultural context

‘A Day in the Life’ (DITL) Web Site:
This research originated in a SSHRCC Research Development Initiative grant to Dr. Tara Callaghan at Saint Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. We subsequently received funding from the British Council for me to travel to the Open University to collaborate with Julia Gillen in the initial data explorations. We used a quasi-ecological approach that involves open-ended interviews, elicited photographs, and a filmed ‘Day in the Life’ of our participants and their families to explore their personal, social, and cultural habitus. What is a Day in the Life? you might ask. You will find an answer here:

Dr. Gillen and I coordinated a team of colleagues in Thailand (Dr. Sombat Tapanya), Italy (Drs Giuliana Pinto and Beatrice Accorti Gamannossi), the UK (Drs Roger Hancock and Susan Young), the US (Dr. Leslie Cameron), Turkey (Dr. Ayshe Talay-Ongan), Canada, and Peru. With these colleagues, we are exploring one videotaped “Day in the Life” of seven little girls in each of the above countries. This work was published as a book in 2010 by Palgrave Macmillan entitled ‘International perspectives on early childhood research: A Day in the Life‘. The book has also been translated and was published in 2015 Italian as Un giorno nella vita: Percorsi internazionali di ricerca della prima infanzia. Italian transl., G. Pinto & M. Toselli. SEID.

Thirdly, we have advanced our research with young children by exploring the adaptations of flourishing children as they are in transition from home to formal schooling for the first time. This research was conducted with one boy and one girl in eastern (with Anne Hunt) and western Canada: a girl and a boy with Dr. Giuliana Pinto in Tuscany in Italy, and numerous boys and girls with Dr. Claudia Stella in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This research has been edited and published in Brazil in Portuguese in 2018 as Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação, C.
Most recently, our team has published a fourth book: [Cameron, C. A. & Stella C (Eds.). (2022). Thriving across the lifespan and around the globe: The Day in the Life visual research approach. Bentham Books] reporting on new research conducted in Brazil to complement updated findings of the DITL methodology as it addresses thriving development around in diverse contexts around the globe. Here is its book launch:
With an international team of colleagues, we have also extended this research methodology out of Dalhousie’s Resilience Research Centre, led by Drs Michael Ungar, Linda Liebenberg and me, to include studying with Dr. Nora Didkowsky’s resilient and geographically displaced adolescents in Canada, Thailand, India, China and South Africa.
Finally, although much has been written about the challenges of later life, exploring sources of thriving among elders living independently is relatively new. The aim of this study is to capture older adults thriving using an adaptation of our Day in the Life methodology that was originally developed for much younger participants. An 86-year-old woman and an 86-year-old man living independently in Canada and Lithuania, a married couple in their nineties in Switzerland, and an American woman living in the US have participated in the study.
Lessons learned about toddlers, early school years children, resilient mobile teenagers, and older adults give us insight into the nature, the texture and tenor of what it is the thrive across the lifespan and around the globe.
Peer-reviewed paper, book chapters, and presentations
• Cameron, C. A. & Stella C. (2022). Thriving across the lifespan and around the globe: The Day in the Life visual research approach. Bentham Books.
• Figueiredo, V., & Cameron, C. A. (2021, June 22). Humour for flourishing agency: Across ages & around the globe [Symposium]. Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, virtual conference, virtual conference.
• Gerhardt, E., Figueiredo, V., & Cameron, C. A. (2021, April 7). Exploring new research opportunities through the quasi-ecological model of “A Day in the Life” [Workshop]. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, virtual conference, Virtual.
• Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A., & Toselli, M. (2020). An old mechanism, imitation, intended for socio-material knowing in “A Day in the Life” of first graders. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(177), 1-7.
• Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A. & Toselli, M. (2020). An old mechanism, imitation, intended for socio-material knowing in “A Day in the Life” of first graders. Frontiers in Psychology – Developmental Psychology, 11(177), 1-7.
• Cameron, C.A. & Pinto, G. (2019). Literacies as contexta: Notational acts during A Day in the Life. Interchange, 51(1), 9-24.
• Heydon, R., Stooke, R., Cameron, C.A., Cooper, E. & O’Neill, S. (2019). Making visible the literacy practices of elders through the Day in the Life methodology: Considerations for literacy education across the lifespan. Literacy, 54(2), 60-68.
• Ribeiro, A.M., Gill, H., Melo, M.H.S, & Cameron, C.A. (2019, November). Protective factors in early childhood: A Day in the Life [Paper presentation]. Association for Moral Education annual meeting, Seattle, WA, U SA.
• Hunt, A.K., Pinto, G., Stella, C. & Cameron, C.A. (2019, June). Children drawing in Canada, Italy and Brazil [Poster presentation]. The 80th Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS, Canada.
• Gerhardt, E, Hunt, A., Ribeiro, A., & Cameron, C.A. (2019, May). Day in the life’: Discovering human developmental potential using an audio-visual quasi-ecological methodology [Presentation]. The 36th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, NB, Canada.
• Cameron, C.A. & Hunt, A.K. (2018). “A Day in the Life” A visual, multimedia approach to research. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
• Stella, C. & Cameron, C.A. (Eds.). (2018). Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação. Juruá.
• Cameron, C.A. (2018). Prólogo: Cronologia do desenvolvimento da metodologia “um Dia Na Vida”. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp. 13-18). Juruá. (English translation: Prologue: Chronology of the Development of the Day in the Life Methodology.)
• Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 1: Desenvolvimento da metodologia. Um dia na vida para o estudo de indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias e do mundo todo. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp. 19-24). Juruá. (English translation: Development of the Day in the Life Methodology for Studying Participants Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe.)
• Didkowsky, N., Cameron, E.L. & Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 5. “Quando você ri, o mundo é novamente lindo”: o uso do humor por idosos prósperos para navegar transições psicossociais desafiadoras. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron, (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp. 53-64). Juruá. (English translation: “When you laugh, the world is again beautiful”: The use of humor by thriving older adults to navigate challenging psychosocial transitions.)
• Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 3: A importância do vídeo etnográfico no projeto Um Dia na Vida: um caso de castores e cidadania. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp. 35-43). Juruá. (English translation: The importance of video-centred ethnography in a Day in the Life project: A case of beavers and citizenship.)
• Hunt, A.K., Cameron, C.A. & Jenkins, S. (2018). Capítulo 7: Lição de Casa: aproximando os mundos de casa e da escola. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp. 75-80). Juruá. (English translation: Home Work.)
• Toselli, M., Pinto, G. & Cameron, C.A. (2018). Capítulo 8: Aprender por meio da imitação no dia a dia em casa e na escola. In: C. Stella & C.A. Cameron (Eds.), Psicologia do Desenvolvimento – “Um Dia na Vida” de Pessoas Bem-Sucedidas – Metodologia da Pesquisa Audiovisual em Psicologia Transcultural, Educação e Comunicação (pp.81-92). Juruá. (English translation: Learning Through Imitation in Daily-Life at Home and School.)
• Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2017). Negotiating citizenship: A young child’s collaborative meaning-making constructions of beavers as a symbol of Canada. Language and Education, 31(4), 330-350.
• Kubiliene, N., Jenkins, S., Gouliquer, L., & Cameron, C.A. (2016). Agency and communion in a Day in the Life of a thriving older adult. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 28(4) 1-17.
• Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Hunt, A.K., Léger, P-D. (2015). Emerging literacy during a ‘Day in the Life’ in transition to school. Early Child Development and Care, 186(9), 1476-1490.
• Gillen, J. & Cameron, C.A. (2015). Un giorno nella vita: Percorsi internazionali di ricerca della prima infanzia (G, Pinto & M. Toselli Trans.). SEID. (Original work published 2010).
• Cameron, C.A., Hunt, A.K., Pezzica, S., Phillips, L., Heydon, R. & Kumpulienen, K. (2014). Children shaping their identities as readers and writers: A Day in the Life of children in transition to school. Childhood Explorer, 1(4), 22-25.
• Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G. & Tapanya, S. (2014). Scaffolding one Thai youth drawing toward resilience. Culture & Psychology, 20(4), 453-476.
• Toselli, M., Pinto, G. & Cameron, C.A. (2014). Un giorno nella vita di un bambino. Continuit. e discontinuit. nella transizione dal contesto familiare al contesto scolastico. Psicologia dell’educatione, 8(2), 239-252.
• Dmytro, D., Kubiliene, N. & Cameron, C.A. (2014). Agentive and communitarian play in early childhood. Early Child Development and Care, 184(12), 1920-1933.
• Pinto, G., Cameron, C.A., Hancock, R. & Tapanya, S. (2014). Thriving toddlers and their attentive fathers and grandfathers around the globe during a Day in their Lives. Procedia Social & Behavioral Sciences, 116, 2039-2043.
• Hancock, R., Cameron, A. & Talay-Ongan, A. (2013). Agency and children’s well-being, In L. Miller & C. L. Cameron (Eds.). International Perspectives in the Early Years (pp. 143-156). Sage.
• Cameron, C.A, Pinto, G., Hancock, R., & Tapanya, S. (2013). Exploring transactions between thriving toddler girls and their attentive fathers and grandfathers during a Day in their Lives. Early Child Development and Care, 184(4), 602-616.
• Cameron, E.L., Hedman, L., Didkowsky, N., Tapanya, S. & Cameron, C.A. (2013). “If everyone copies me, Thailand will be so much better off” The power of verbal irony in youth conversation. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Care, 4(2), 189-208.
• Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Tapanya, S., Li, C., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L., & Ungar, M. (2013). Visual perspectives on majority world adolescent thriving. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(1), 149-161.
• Cameron, C.A., Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., Hancock, R., & Tapanya, S. (2011). Domestic play collaborations in diverse family contexts. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(4), 78-85.
• Cameron, C.A., Theron, L., Ungar, M. & Liebenberg, L. (2011). Adapting visual methodologies to identify youth protective processes in negotiating resilience across cultures and contexts. Australian Community Psychologist, 23(2), 68-84.
• Theron, L., Cameron, C.A., Didkowsky, N., Lau, C., Liebenberg, L. & Ungar, M. (2011). A ‘day in the life’ of four resilient youths: Cultural roots of resilience. Youth and Society, 43(3), 799-818.
• Cameron, C.A. & Theron, L. (2011). With pictures and words I can show you: Cartoons portray migrant teenagers’ journeys. In L.C. Theron, C. Mitchell, & A. Smith (Eds.), Picturing research: Drawing as visual methodology (pp. 205-217). Sense Publishers.
• Cameron, C.A. (2011). ‘A day in the life’: A new methodology for investigating early childhood thriving and youth resilience around the globe. ISSBD Bulletin, 1, Ser. No. 59. 20-24.
• Cameron, E.L, Fox, J.D., Anderson, M.S., & Cameron, C.A. (2010). Resilient youths use humor to enhance socio-emotional functioning during a Day in the Life. Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(5), 716-742.
• Cameron, C.A. (2009). Constructing syntheses: Converging methods for investigating youth in diverse cultures. In L. Liebenberg & M. Ungar, (Eds.). Researching resilience (pp. 225-244). University of Toronto Press.
• Cameron, C.A, Lau, C., & Tapanya, S. (2009). Passing it on during a Day In The Life of resilient adolescents in diverse communities around the globe. Child and Youth Care Forum, 38(5), 227-271.
• Cameron, C.A., & Pinto, G. (2009). Day in the Life Secure interludes with joint book reading. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23(4), 437-449.
• Cameron, C.A. (2009). Associations between shyness, reluctance to engage, and academic performance. Infant and Child Development, 18(3), 299-305.
• Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2009). From scribbles to meanings: Social interaction in different cultures and the emergence of young children’s early drawing. Early Child Development and Care, 179(8), 1-19.
• Cameron, E.L., Kennedy, K., & Cameron, C.A. (2008). “Let me show you a trick!”: A toddler’s use of humor to explore, interpret, and negotiate her familial environment during a Day in the Life. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 23, 5-18.
• Cameron, C.A. (2008). Identification and classification of childhood developmental difficulties in the context of attachment relationships. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 17(2), 58-68.
• Cameron, C.A., Ungar, M., & Liebenberg, L. (2007). Cross-cultural understandings of resilience: Roots for wings in the development of affective resources for resilience. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics, 16(2) 285-301.
• Gillen, J., Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S., Pinto, G., Hancock, R., Young, S. & Accorti Gamannossi, B. (2007). ‘A Day in the Life’: advancing a methodology for the cultural study of development and learning in early childhood. Early Child Development and Care, 177(2), 207-218.
• Cameron, C.A., & Tapanya, S. (2006). Altalene ed amache: basisicure per la resilienza durante “Un giorno nella vita” in diverse culture: Swings and hammocks as secure bases for resilience during ‘a Day in the Life’ in diverse cultures. Rassegna di Psicologia, 23(3), 25-40.
• Gillen, J., Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S., Pinto, G., Hancock, R., Young, S., Accorti Gamannossi, B. & Didkowsky, N. (2006). Una metodologia per lo studio culturale dello sviluppo e dell’apprendimento nella prima infanzia / Advancing a methodology for the cultural study of development and learning in early childhood. Rassegna di Psicologia, 23(3), 11-24.
• Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2006). Alfabetizzazione emergente in “Un giorno nella vita” / Emergent literacy in a Day in the Life. Rassegna di Psicologia, 23(3), 79-92.
• Pinto, G., Accorti Gamannossi, B., & Cameron, C.A. (2006). Joint book reading: Socialization of literacy in cultural perspective. International Journal of Ideographic Science, 4.
• Cameron, C.A., Tapanya, S. & Gillen, J. (2006). Swings, hammocks, and rocking chairs as secure bases during A Day in the Life in diverse cultures. Child and Youth Care Forum, 35(3), 231-247.
• Ungar, M., Clark, S.E., Kwong, W-m., Makhnach, A., & Cameron, C.A. (2005). Studying resilience across cultures. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 14(3-4), 1-19.